New snow in Colorado and Utah.
Loveland opened today in Colorado and what am I thinking about? Snow? No, not snow. Skiing? No not skiing. It's my other obsession. Triathlons. Yeah, it's finally here!!!! This weekend is "The Big Weekend", it's the Ford Ironman World Championship on the Big Island. I wish I was there to race or volunteer or watch or... but I have to wait until December 19 to watch the coverage.
Save the date and check your local listings. Seriously, don't miss it! It's always an inspirational and emotional event even if you aren't obsessed like me.
2009 Ford Ironman World Championship NBC coverage:
Dec. 19, 2009 from 4:30 - 6:00 PM (check local listings)I just watched the 2008 Ironman coverage from Kona yesterday. I have to admit I've watched it a few times. It's one of my favorites. Lots of drama.
The race, as you may know, consisted of a 2.4 mile swim, 112 mile bike ride and 26.2 mile run. Conditions in 2008 were harsh in Kona as usual with hot weather, gusty winds and a full roster of the world’s best triathletes. Chrissie Wellington was leading the women's race, when she encountered a 10-minute flat tire delay. She blew out her two CO2 canisters and was stranded on the side of Queen K Highway. It seemed like the race was over for her.
"Watching the world champion on the side of the highway begging, "Have you got a pump???" as other competitors sped by was heartbreaking. Finally, Rebekah Keat tossed Chrissie a CO2 canister, and after losing ten minutes she re-mounted. What happened next would set the triathlon world in a tizzy all over again. Despite her setback, Chrissie Wellington won the race by fifteen minutes, breaking the marathon course record in the process." -Boston Triathlon Examiner
I cried! Seriously, it was incredably emotional. I can't wait to see what happens this year. Chrissie Wellington is my favorite triathlete. She's always got a smile on her face, she cheers on the pro guys during the race, and she hangs out and cheers on the age-groupers coming in hours after her finish. Maybe Chrissie will be cheering for me someday. This year I'll be cheering for her!
Here is a breakdown of this year's participants from the official
Ironman website.
By Gender:
Female: 508, which will be 27.4% of the field.
Men: 1345, which, for those who hate subtraction, is 72.6% of the field.
Number of records in total (in case you don't like addition, either): 1853
By Category:
CATEGORY = MPRO 101 5.5%
CATEGORY = M18-24 36 1.9%
CATEGORY = M25-29 95 5.1%
CATEGORY = M30-34 152 8.2%
CATEGORY = M35-39 217 11.7%
CATEGORY = M40-44 256 13.8%
CATEGORY = M45-49 190 10.3%
CATEGORY = M50-54 112 6.0%
CATEGORY = M55-59 59 3.2%
CATEGORY = M60-64 50 2.7%
CATEGORY = M65-69 35 1.9%
CATEGORY = M70-74 26 1.4%
CATEGORY = M75-79 10 0.5%
CATEGORY = M80+ 1 0.1%
CATEGORY = W18-24 26 1.4%
CATEGORY = W25-29 53 2.9%
CATEGORY = W30-34 68 3.7%
CATEGORY = W35-39 72 3.9%
CATEGORY = W40-44 80 4.3%
CATEGORY = W45-49 57 3.1%
CATEGORY = W50-54 41 2.2%
CATEGORY = W55-59 31 1.7%
CATEGORY = W60-64 17 0.9%
CATEGORY = W65-69 5 0.3%
CATEGORY = W70-74 3 0.2%
CATEGORY = W75-79 1 0.1%
Check out the women's age group info. The older I get the smaller the field. I just need to keep at it. Triathons are the fastest growing sport for women right now. I have this vision of a bunch of 40 year old moms like me plotting their age group take over of the Kona Ironman in their 50's, 60's and 70's. So girls if you're out there and live in the Pacific NW I need a training partner.
Washington's Sister Madonna Buder is back to add to her Kona legend at the age of 79.
First time Kona competitors: 395
Someday it will be me!!
ski girl aka tri girl