Meadow's Park Crew is Shapin' up Shipyard

Dave says, "Shipyard is shaping up to be a major rail park on opening day. The crew has been KILLIN' IT, putting in four different lines with 11 different features. Take your pick":
Flat down box top into a Down railFour lifts including two high speed quads are scheduled for Wednesday's opening of the 2009/10 season. Mt. Hood Express, Shooting Star Express, Easy Rider, Buttercup and the Ballroom Carpet in the Fun Zone will run from 9 AM - 4 PM. Read the Blog to find out more about opening day operations. Only twice in the past 14 seasons has there been an earlier opening day at Mt. Hood Meadows.
Plastic culvert jib
Log spine
Booter rail
Kink mailbox
Picnic table
Fun box
C rail
Dance floor box into ledge into a mail box
Lift Ticket Pricing for Opening Day
$52 for adults
$30 for juniors age 7 to 14
$30 for seniors age 65+.
Kids 6 and under get a season pass for just $9.
We're stuck in PDX with the flu but I'll be thinking of all of you getting your ski fix!
ski girl
p.s. Call the Snow Phones for more info
503.227.7669 (227.SNOW) Portland
541.386.7547 (386.SKIS) Hood River
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