Wearing a wetsuit is not my favorite thing. Getting into it is an ordeal that I wouldn't wish on... well anyone. I'm just glad that the swim is the first event in the triathlon cuz if it wasn't my transition time would be even more epic in length.
Everyone has their own special way of dealing with putting on the dreaded suit. Some people arrive at the race with their wetsuit already halfway on. They'd rather drive to the race in their wetsuit than suffer the humiliation of squeezing flesh into the confines of such a wonderful garment in a public setting. Some people head off in search of the elusive bathroom for a little privacy. And some like me just try and get it on and get it over with as fast as possible.
I recently discovered something that makes me feel a whole lot happier about the whole wet suit experience. And that little something is..... I look just like J Lo in my wetsuit!!!! Check out the photos. It's hard to tell which booty is mine and which is her's!
In addition to being a singer/dancer/actress/fashion mogul, Jennifer Lopez is a triathlete. She competed in the 2008 Nautica Malibu Triathlon.
Based on the above pictures I'm going to embrace my bootyliciousness. Self acceptance is where it's at. I have a J Lo booty and I'm proud of it. Like most everything else out there, there is a support group of sorts for peeps like me. If you have junk in your trunk, you can connect with others just like you (& me) at I Have a J-lo booty. Seriously, I'm not making this up!
This weekend is the All Women's Triathlon and Duathlon at Blue Lake. Me and my booty are doing the Tri-it again, keeping to the shorter swim. And my little princess is doing her first kid's Tri, the Splash and Dash.
I'll let you know how it goes.
ski girl
p.s. The temps have been over 100 this week in Portland. If this keeps up I may experience a totally new emotional trauma this weekend. Doing the swim in my swimsuit. Yikes! How will I survive?